Fondazione Pianspessa
The Interventions

The Interventions

Rehabilitation of the Roccolo tree planting

Status: Funding search

Description: The project envisages the creation of the green architecture that characterised the old bird house and the enhancement and securing of the surrounding area. The intervention aims at recomposing the green screen that camouflaged the roccolo, recreating the elliptical hornbeam gallery in front of the tower, creating the appropriate protection against ungulates, securing the escarpment supporting the roccolo and securing the cantonal hiking path. The intervention will also allow the historical value of the installation to be emphasised and its significant cultural and landscape value to be appreciated.

Recovery of dry stone walls

Status: In progress

Description: The dry stone walls involved in the project have different functions and typological characteristics: some act as retaining walls, others line paths, delimit fields or support buildings. Recovery will make it possible to recover and emphasise their landscape and naturalistic value. It will thus be possible to delimit and secure the paths and terraced fields, support buildings and recreate the enclosures of the cultivated gardens of the Pianspessa complex. The work to restore the dry-stone walls is carried out during the warm season to avoid disturbing the mobile species that find shelter in their ravines during the winter. 

Restoration of the roccolo tower

Status: Completed

Description: The internal restoration works at the Roccolo di Pianspessa have made it possible to preserve and restore the historical substance of the building, registered as a cultural asset of cantonal importance, and to reopen it to the public. The restoration of the staircase made the building usable again after twenty years of closure. The restoration consolidated the masonry and integrated the plasterwork where it was missing or deteriorated. The restoration of the wooden components by means of cabinet making and woodworm treatment made it possible to eradicate the pests present. The meticulous arrangement of the limestone roofing made it possible to permanently prevent water infiltration inside the building.

Restoration of the Pianspessa Core

Status: Planning stage

Description: The project for the restoration of the buildings envisages the inclusion in the complex of a cheese dairy and cheese cellars, flanked by a reception and tasting area, educational and exhibition spaces, a library, accommodation and a vegetable garden.

Restoration of dry meadows of national importance

Status: Completed

Description: Following the abandonment of traditional agricultural activity and the depopulation of the mountains, the most remote and impervious agricultural areas were gradually abandoned, leading to the advancement of woodland and the loss of extensive open spaces. The dry meadows of Pianspessa were strongly threatened by inselvatation, the spread of tree and shrub species, as well as brambles, aquiline fern and broom. In view of the landscape and ecological interest of the Pianspessa dry meadows, measures were carried out to slow down the advance of the forest, recover grassland areas and contain weed species.

Restoration of the access track

Track length: ~800 m linear

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